
Rietberg Singapore Nelson


AUSTRAHLIA Part II - Skating and Shopping

Hello again...

Well, I'll now tell you about the Speed Skating Competitions and Shopping which are the things we did most of the time...

This is Dale skating...

I'm not that interested in neither of them but oh well... I have been looking for an Australian sweat-jacket or hoodie but I haven't found any yet so I keep on looking. =/
We've been to DFO, the Hyperdome, a few shops in Ascot where Sharon wants to buy three pieces of cloth (^^) for about AUSD400 and a few more shopping centres...

This is in the Hyperdome.... huuuuuuge!

So, in fact, we went shopping about every day. Might be a shopping paradise for girls and women here (the question is what do you need 10 pairs of bikinis for?) but not so much for me. Let's say it was a nice experience. =P

Okey dokey, that's all 4 now then!



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